American Road Cycling

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Presidential Photo
(as requested by Twin Lynn Meyer)

American Road Cycling President, Bob Fugett (SlingShot), displays his Official Thank You Salute, kindly offered to all drivers leaning on their horns behind his left ear immediately before gunning their engines to swipe around him.

More recent photos below.

Sorry: American Road Cycling apologizes for the lack of clarity of the photo above. The photographer was scared shitless and couldn't hold the camera still.

We finally tracked down this photo of Fugett before he got so bony. He is shown listening for his 3 mile split in a 4 mile cross country meet. Here he is just beginning to develop his SlingShot style, sliding off the front while dishing out the pain. However, true to his well known Spin Bitch Chronicles formula, one of the runners behind eventually beats him with less than 200 yards to the finish. At the moment this photo was snapped,  however, neither of the other runners seem all that enthusiastic about their prospects, not to mention the sad state of affairs with the others back and beyond the train overpass.


Due to Federal request, FBI warnings and popular demand—more photos of SlingShot.

If that motherfucker coughs on me one more time, I'm goin' for his throat.
With a three week cold 02/2007
Yes, that is Spatz.


With The Black Widow
Fort DeSoto Park, FL

Also in Fort DeSoto Park, FL


For more see: Paparazzi Asshole


this page last updated:
02/01/2015 10:38:49 PM

A Def Unc T Publication