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American Road Cycling Interactive Database Info

The American Road Cycling interactive database is moderated, meaning a human being periodically reviews new listings to assure the list remains reasonably accurate. Otherwise, unless the submitter selects either Do not publish any of my Contact Information on this web site, or UPDATE!, names submitted using the MEMBERSHIP SUBMITTAL FORM appear immediately on the MEMBERSHIP LIST. Any errors found may be reported using the QUICK QUERY FORM.

People listed on the American Road Cycling MEMBERSHIP LIST do not necessarily share any of the other views or opinions expressed on this web site, nor do they necessarily agree with (or even enjoy) the manner in which these opinions are expressed. They merely attest here that they love riding their bicycles on the roads in accordance with local laws. Plus they wish somebody, somewhere, sometime would mention the fact that they do in fact have a legal and legitimate right to ride on U.S. public roadways.

Mr. Fugett plans to someday print out the MEMBERSHIP LIST, roll it up in a tight baton, and swat it up against the heads of various people in charge of making public pronouncements and notifications such as establishing the laws of the land and reporting on the status of road cycling in America. However, he is sort of waiting for the list to actually mean something beforehand, instead of mostly just a bunch of names he grabbed from another one of his databases.


Please remind your Local Club Membership Secretary to submit your club's membership list. Details about how easily this can be done are available on request using the  QUICK QUERY FORM.

Per numerous requests, and to facilitate assembly of the most comprehensive database of people  interested in preserving American road cycling rights, American Road Cycling now accepts batch Complimentary Memberships of entire local clubs in all database formats. In order to preserve the security of your local listings the only information required is First Name, Last Name, Nom (optional), City, and State.

American Road Cycling also accommodates groups who are not yet automated by providing a streamlined input form which is much simpler than the full MEMBERSHIP FORM. We need only trust that names submitted are real people and that full contact information is on file with your local club. Those records must exist in case bona fide political and legislative bodies ask us to support our claim to cycling advocacy.

To request details on how to submit batch names use the  QUICK QUERY FORM.

The MEMBERSHIP LIST is live and interactive, so names of people who submit a MEMBERSHIP SUBMITTAL FORM appear immediately on the MEMBERSHIP LIST, unless the submitter selects Do not publish any of my Contact Information on this web site, or UPDATE!

The UPDATE! selection allows people to send updated information while blocking double instances of the same name appearing on the web site.

Technology Used

The American Road Cycling Interactive Database is an instance of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database running on a colocated Dell Rack Server with Microsoft Server 2003 operating system. The database is manipulated over the Internet with user controls developed using Microsoft .NET Framework implemented through C# and HTML by means of ASP and ASPX modules.

Therefore, this list will easily scale to virtually unlimited size, while remaining extremely robust and secure. Plus the automation aspects will allow it to function correctly even after it grows well beyond the size which allows manual maintainability. That is to say, once the number of names coming in is too great for individual e-mail response from a human, the database will still function very nicely on its own, and it will continue providing a quick reference for legislative and administrative bodies to track the growth of interest in American road cycling rights.

If your curiosity about the technology behind the American Road Cycling web site is unabated, see ITTYBITTYBIZ and KEYTAP®.


this page last updated:
02/01/2015 10:38:45 PM

A Def Unc T Publication