"Bobbles ain't baubles"; a slight mistep or wobble which if repeated may reveal a significant dsyfunction that must be remedied before top performance can be achieved
engaged rollover
turning the crank arms over (using either leg or both) with various levels of pedaling pressure while being careful poor movement is not masked by support pressure in either pedal or against seat and/or handlebars (power meter can be used to confirm levels of pressure)
Functional Threshold
(FT) the strongest level of effort you can maintain forever and just slightly below the level that would finish you off rather quickly
quickly establish a given watt average then control the drop to a lower given watt average before again checking power metery
attempt to hold an average target watt by feel for a given time before checking power meter
quickly establish a given watt average then control the rise to a higher given watt average
attempt to hit a given target watt by feel before checking power meter
return to working speed when focus on an exercise has allowed pace to drop below stability
ankle rolls
a fat person dreaming of doughnuts
strength training
a fat person begging for doughnuts
t @ P/W
the quasi-mathematical formula which is the basis for methods outlined in Cycling Performance Simplified and meaning the time (t) which a given number of power in watts (P) can can be maintained at a given body weight in kilograms (W) and codified in the Super Simple Power to Weight Calculator
alternating hip elevation laterals with resting seat
zero G rollover
turning the crank arms over (using either leg or both) with absolutely no pressure on the pedal to be used as check for seated stability, full range of movement, and correct smooth tracking